Drowning In Memories: Bitter Memories Series #2 (Volume 2)

Not All Memories Are Bitter Drowning In Memories is written in two parts: Bitter Tasting Memories, part one; After Midnight, part two, dedicated to my brother, plus a bonus short story, One In A Million: A True Story of Friendship. Parts one and two continue the memories and the many mistakes I made along the way. This up and down ride includes fun times, not-so-fun times and sad times that came to mind during and after writing Bitter Memories. Many secrets Uncle Henry kept hidden over the years are revealed. While trying to mend fences with Aunt Olivia I learned you never can go home again, at least I never could. John, who I didn’t know growing up, was an amazing big brother. With great pride I share some of our times together while getting to know each other. One In A Million is a true story of friendship and love between two friends helping each other deal with spirals of emotions, good and bad. After an attempted suicide I met David, another patient on the psych ward suffering from deep depression. However, holding a heartbreaking secret, David had a good reason to be depressed. Becoming instant friends, David shared his secret with me and ultimately changed the direction my life was heading. Showing me life through his eyes, this young man saw beauty in everything around him. David loved life. He only wanted to be there for his friends and to help others. But, no one could help David. No one could change what was to come for my dear friend. Cover art/design: Gary McCluskey


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